Monday, August 20, 2012

Editing Tricks for Amateur Vacation Video #1

Kodak Carousel 35mm Slide Show

My earliest experience with an amateur vacation presentation must have been watching slideshows projected onto a screen from a Kodak Carousel Slide Projector.
These projectors had an automatic mode that changed slides every few seconds, or the presenter could narrate using a wired remote control to move forward or backward.  Entertainment value was directly proportional to the presenter's sense of humor. 

My cousins pointed their camcorder at a projection screen to create this video.  Watching the clip is very similar to a watching a live 35mm slideshow.  Sometimes there's an empty slot in the slide tray, or a photo is sideways or reversed.  As the picture changes, there's a brief flash of brightness, then a moment of confusion while the projector auto-focuses.

Digital slideshows would have astonished my uncle!  His editing creativity was limited to the "forward" and "reverse" buttons on the remote control! 

Lesson Learned:  Regardless of the technology used, "preserving memories" might be the most important result of our hobby.
The last time I saw a Carousel Projector was several years ago at a memorial service.  That gathering was extraordinarily grateful for the efforts of the family's amateur photographer.  It doesn't that we're not professionals; our efforts will someday find a very appreciative audience!

Suggestion:  Scan your old slides and prints to preserve them and provide source material for future video editing projects.  
Prints are easy to scan at home; slides are more difficult.  But there are numerous reputable companies who offer to clean your slides and negatives, scan them at high resolution, and deliver a DVD of the scanned images.


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